Professional Musicians
Professional Musicians

Piano teaching is about far more than learning notes for success in examinations. It is about inspiring, caring, nurturing, and developing not only a deep love of music, but a holistic and centred approach to all subject, life and life itself via the unique and fantastic centre that music provides. Catherine Leach has had enormous successes in exams and in getting pupils to play. However perhaps her greatest asset as a teacher is the way in which she truly does inspire love, dedication, involvement and fun for all her students. Study with her will unquestionably enhance every aspect of your own or your children's life

Murray McLachlan
Concert Pianist and Writer,
Chair EPTA UK, Head of Keyboard Chetham's School of Music and Senior teacher RNCM
I have known Catherine throughout my time at Up Holland High School. She has always impressed me with her innate musicality and her caring and supportive approach to her students.
She has helped a great number of Up Holland High School pupils past and present to really develop thier musical skills. Many of her pupils have taken G.C.S.E. Music and Catherine goes to great lengths to be present at their practical examinations - often playing piano duets with them - where she is invariably a calming and supportive influence. Her pupils are always very well prepared and they play an interesting repertoire to a very high standard. Not only do many Up Holland high School pupils owe her a debt of grat!
itude - I do too.
Alastair Roberts G.R.N.C.M. Head of Music Up Holland High School 1980 -2012

Copyright © - Catherine Leach